POs,PSOs &COs Economics

           Department of Economics           

Programme  Outcomes (POs)

After completing B. A. degree programme, students will be able to:



PO 1. 

Understand and follow human values.


PO 2. 

Contribute to National Development

PO 3. 

Be a responsible and dutiful citizen

O 4.

To develop Global Competencies, employability, and the quest for excellence

O 5. 

Encourage innovation and creativity in fine arts and life.

PO 6.

Acquaint students with social, economic, and political facts and have Social   Interaction.

PO 7.

To respect the Indian culture of pluralism and mutual respect.

PO 8. 

Acquire essential skills of language (LSRW).


PO 9.

To develop Effective Communication among the learners.

PO 10.

Honour constitutional values-Freedom, equality, fraternity & social justice

Department of Economics 

                                      Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

After Completing the graduation in Economics the student will be able to:


PSO 1.

Understanding the  concepts of economics.

PSO 2.

able to good analyse economic behaviour in practice.

PSO 3.

Positive economic way of thinking.

PSO 4.

able to analyse historical and current events from an economic perspective.

PSO 5.

able to thinking economic point of view.

PSO 6.

Develops students’ ability to propose solutions to various economic problems.

PSO 7.

Predict the growth rate of Primary, Secondary and Service sector of the Economy with

PSO 8.

able to data collection,  classification, tabulation and simply use of statically tools.

PSO 9.

become expert to other courses

PSO 10.

Acquire knowledge of International trade

Course Outcomes (COs)


Economics Course - Indian Economy-I

After the successful completion of this course, students will be able to,


CO1: Explain features of the Indian Economy at the independence era and structural changes in the Indian Economy           .

CO2: Analyse inclusive growth in the Indian Economy with sustainable development.

CO3: Express his /her own views on poverty and unemployment.

CO4: Analyse problems of social inequality and rising Economy, problems and remedies

          of regional imbalance in India.

CO5: Explain the concept of National Income, Per capita Income and Human Development


CO6: Identify the trend of population growth, the impact of population on economic growth and population policy 2000.


Economics Course - Indian Economy-II

CO7: Identify the changing role of agriculture in the Indian Economy.

CO8: Outline agricultural productivity, Green Revolution, the need of 2nd Green Revolution and agricultural pricing and procurement        .

CO9: Analyse the need for industrialization, Industrial Policy since 1991, Problems and prospects of cottage and Small scale Industries and Foreign Investment Policies since 1991       

CO10:Describe growing importance of the service sector, the Significance of Banks, financial Institutions and Insurance, Importance of IT1, transport, Communication and tourism         .

CO11: Explain the Concept, implementation and impact on the Indian Economy of Liberalisation,   Privatisation and Globalization.

CO12: Remembering recent export promotion policy.


Economics Course – Principles of Macroeconomics I

CO13: Analyse the Concept of macroeconomics with definition, nature and Scope.

CO14: Analyse inclusive growth in the Indian Economy with sustainable development.

CO15: Explain concept of GDP, GNP, NDP and NNP  at market price, Per Capita

            Income and Disposable Income.

CO16: Analyse methods of measuring national Income with difficulties and importance.

CO17: Explicate functions of money and theories of money, Index numbers and its


CO18: Analyse Say’s market law, Keynesian theory of employment, the Consumption function, investment function and multiplier.



Economics Course – Money and Banking

CO19: Analyse functions of Commercial banks, types of banks, and investment policy of

            Commercial banks, the process of credit creation and its limitations.

CO20: Analyse features of bank account, opening, KYC and closing account, bankers and

            customers rights and obligations.

CO21: Identify the History and organisational structure of the Reserve Bank of India with functions, monetary policy and credit creation.

CO22: Explicate the bank Ombudsman scheme with meaning, power and duties.

CO23: Analyse the process and importance of loan, advantages and disadvantages of bank


CO24: Justify NPA and its causes and remedies.


Economics Course – Principles of Macroeconomics II

CO25: Explain inflation with meaning, types, causes, effects and remedies of Controlling


CO26: Describe trade cycles and their Phases.

CO27: Identify Hawtrey and Schumpeter’s theory of trade cycles.

CO28: Analyse the meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Finance with the principle of maximum Social advantage. As well as taxation and budget.

CO29: Justify public expenditure with meaning and causes of the growth of Public expenditure.

CO30: Illustrate public debt, Deficit Financing and Fiscal Policy.


Economics Course – Banks and Financial Markets

CO31: Describe the financial system in India. Structure and Importance of

            Financial System and Features and Structure of Money and Capital Market in India.

CO32: Compare Capital Market and Money market in India with the Role of SEBI.

CO33: Demonstrate Indian Financial Institutions, like Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Loan

            Companies in India, EXIM Bank and Mutual Funds.

CO34: Analyse the Recommendation of the Narasimham Committee of 1991 and 1998.

CO35: Interpret Foreign Direct Investment in banking and Payment Bank with Small

            Finance Banks.

CO36: Applying E-Banking Service in daily use.


Economics Course - Principles of Microeconomics I (DSE E-71)

CO37: Explain the Meaning, Nature and Scope of Micro Economics as well as its importance and limitations.

CO38: Framework economic analysis using economic parameters.

CO39: Express his /her own views about consumer behaviour.

CO40: Deep explain how to fluctuate demand and supply in the market.

CO41: Describe various parameters related to demand and supply.

CO42: Explain production theories and cost-benefit analysis of the firm.


Economics Course - Economics of Development (DSE E-72)

CO43: Explain concept of economic development and difference between economic

 development and growth.

CO44: Explain indicators of economic development, Sustainable and green development.

CO45: Identify underdeveloped economies, characteristics of underdeveloped

 economies, affecting factors on economic development.

CO46: Illustrate features of economic development and development status of Indian


CO47: Analyse Ricardian classical approach to the development, Myrdal’s theory of

 economic development, Rostow’s stages of economic growth and balanced and

 unbalanced theory of growth.

CO48: Build up resources for economic development like Human Capital, Technology, Aids etc.


Economics Course - International Economics I (DSE E-73)

CO49: Explain what trade is and trade theories of Ricardian and Hecksher-Ohlin theory of

 international trade.

CO50: Explain importance of international trade and its study, Similarities and

 dissimilarities in inter-regional and international trade.

CO51: Clarify gains from International trade and its measurement.

CO52: Analyse how to become trade engine of economic growth, terms of trade and factors

 affecting terms of trade.

CO53: Explain meaning of exchange rate, PPP theory, Concept of fixed exchange rate,

 flexible exchange rate and floating exchange rate.

CO54: Explicate tariffs and quotas, free trade and trade protection policy.


Economics Course - Research Methodology in Economics I (DSE E-74)

CO55: Analyse basic Concept of research and its methodology.

CO56: Explain types of research with meaning and objectives.

CO57: Carry out a literature review, Steps of research, features of good research design and

 importance of research design.

CO58: Analyse and clarify Concept of hypothesis which is very important for research with

 Kinds of hypothesis, features of hypothesis and importance of hypothesis.

CO59: Use of methods of data Collection in his/her research.

CO60: Clarify sources of primary and secondary data and importance of data Collection.


Economics Course - History of Economic Thoughts I (DSE E-75)

CO61: Explain basic economic ideas of economists of the world.

CO62: Explain thoughts of classical economist like, Adam Smith’s theory of value and

 canon and taxation, Malthusian theory of population etc.

CO63: Describe economic thoughts of great economist Fredrick List on stages of economic


CO64: Interpret concept of nationalism and theory of protectionism.

CO65: Analyse thoughts of Karl Marks about economic development.

CO66: Manipulate scientific Concept of socialism and materialist, Theory of value, Theory

 of Surplus value and concept of falling rate of profit.


Economics Course - Principles of Microeconomics II (DSE E-196)

CO67: Identify the market structure.

CO68: Analyse the economic behaviour of individual firms and markets

CO69: Explain a firm’s profit maximising strategies under different market conditions.

CO70: Justify the factor pricing.

CO71: Interpret modern theory of rent.

CO72: Comprehension classical and Keynesian theory of interest and risk and uncertainty

 theory of profit.


Economics Course – Economics of Planning (DSE E-197)

CO73: Illustrate economic planning and its importance in development.

CO74: Analyse development of planning and planning machinery in India.

CO75: Evaluate sectoral performance of the Indian Economy.

CO76: Explain NITI Ayog, need for establishment, organisation, objectives and work.

CO77: Identify plan models in Indian plan period.

CO78: Compare and analyse Indian models of economic development.


Economics Course – International Economics II (DSE E-198)

CO79: Illustrate difference between balance of trade and balance of payments.

CO80: Analyse the balance of payments.

CO81: Analyse measures to correct disequilibrium in balance of payments.

CO82: Discuss the various types of foreign capital.

CO83: Compute the trends of Foreign Direct Investment in India.

CO84: Analyse the impact of international institutions on the Indian Economy.


Economics Course - Research Methodology in Economics II (DSE E-199)

CO85: Explain the sampling techniques as a method of data Collection.

CO86: Analyse optimum size of sampling.

CO87: Use techniques of data analysis in research.

CO88: Classified the data in tabular form.

CO89: Justify how to write a research report and thesis.

CO90: Clarify how to write a research proposal for grants.


Economics Course - History of Economic Thoughts II (DSE E-200)

CO91: Interpret economic ideas of Alfred Marshall.

CO92: Illustrate views of Mahatma Phule on agriculture and education.

CO93: Analyse views of Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj on agriculture and Cooperation.

CO94: Explain views of  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on money, agriculture and development

 policy. As well as Drain theory of Dadabhai Nauroji.

CO95: Justify views of Mahatma Gandhi views on village development, Swadeshi and Gram


CO96: Clarify economic thoughts of Gopal Krishna Gokhale, D. R. Gadgil, V.

 M. Dandekar and Amartya Sen.

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