Department of Economics
Programme Outcomes (POs)
After completing B. A. degree
programme, students will be able to:
PO 1. |
Understand and
follow human values.
PO 2. |
Contribute to
National Development |
PO 3. |
Be a responsible and dutiful citizen |
O 4. |
To develop Global Competencies, employability, and the quest for excellence |
O 5. |
innovation and creativity in fine arts and life. |
PO 6. |
Acquaint students
with social, economic, and political facts and have Social Interaction. |
PO 7. |
To respect the
Indian culture of pluralism and mutual respect. |
PO 8. |
Acquire essential
skills of language (LSRW).
PO 9. |
To develop
Effective Communication among the learners. |
PO 10. |
constitutional values-Freedom, equality, fraternity & social justice |
Department of Economics
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
After Completing the graduation in Economics the student will be able to:
PSO 1. |
Understanding the
concepts of economics. |
PSO 2. |
able to good analyse economic behaviour in practice. |
PSO 3. |
economic way of thinking. |
PSO 4. |
able to analyse historical and current events from an economic
perspective. |
PSO 5. |
able to
thinking economic point of view. |
PSO 6. |
Develops students’ ability to propose solutions to various
economic problems. |
PSO 7. |
Predict the
growth rate of Primary, Secondary and Service sector of the Economy with |
PSO 8. |
able to data collection,
classification, tabulation and simply use of statically tools. |
PSO 9. |
become expert
to other courses |
PSO 10. |
Acquire knowledge of International trade |
Course Outcomes (COs)
Economics Course - Indian Economy-I
After the successful completion of this course,
students will be able to,
CO1: Explain features of the Indian
Economy at the independence era and structural changes in the Indian Economy .
CO2: Analyse inclusive growth
in the Indian Economy with sustainable development.
CO3: Express his /her own
views on poverty and unemployment.
CO4: Analyse problems of
social inequality and rising Economy, problems and remedies
of regional imbalance in India.
CO5: Explain the concept of
National Income, Per capita Income and Human Development
CO6: Identify the trend of
population growth, the impact of population on economic growth and population
policy 2000.
Economics Course - Indian Economy-II
CO7: Identify the changing
role of agriculture in the Indian Economy.
CO8: Outline agricultural
productivity, Green Revolution, the need of 2nd Green Revolution and
agricultural pricing and procurement
CO9: Analyse the need for
industrialization, Industrial Policy since 1991, Problems and prospects of cottage
and Small scale Industries and Foreign Investment Policies since 1991
CO10:Describe growing
importance of the service sector, the Significance of Banks, financial
Institutions and Insurance, Importance of IT1, transport, Communication and
tourism .
CO11: Explain the Concept,
implementation and impact on the Indian Economy of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalization.
CO12: Remembering recent
export promotion policy.
Economics Course – Principles of Macroeconomics I
CO13: Analyse the Concept of
macroeconomics with definition, nature and Scope.
CO14: Analyse inclusive growth
in the Indian Economy with sustainable development.
CO15: Explain concept of GDP,
GNP, NDP and NNP at market price, Per
Income and Disposable Income.
CO16: Analyse methods of
measuring national Income with difficulties and importance.
CO17: Explicate functions of
money and theories of money, Index numbers and its
CO18: Analyse Say’s market
law, Keynesian theory of employment, the Consumption function, investment
function and multiplier.
Economics Course – Money and Banking
CO19: Analyse functions of
Commercial banks, types of banks, and investment policy of
Commercial banks, the process of
credit creation and its limitations.
CO20: Analyse features of bank
account, opening, KYC and closing account, bankers and
customers rights and obligations.
CO21: Identify the History and
organisational structure of the Reserve Bank of India with functions, monetary
policy and credit creation.
CO22: Explicate the bank
Ombudsman scheme with meaning, power and duties.
CO23: Analyse the process and
importance of loan, advantages and disadvantages of bank
CO24: Justify NPA and its
causes and remedies.
Economics Course – Principles of Macroeconomics II
CO25: Explain inflation with
meaning, types, causes, effects and remedies of Controlling
CO26: Describe trade cycles
and their Phases.
CO27: Identify Hawtrey and Schumpeter’s
theory of trade cycles.
CO28: Analyse the meaning, Nature
and Scope of Public Finance with the principle of maximum Social advantage. As
well as taxation and budget.
CO29: Justify public
expenditure with meaning and causes of the growth of Public expenditure.
CO30: Illustrate public debt,
Deficit Financing and Fiscal Policy.
Economics Course – Banks and Financial Markets
CO31: Describe the financial
system in India. Structure and Importance of
System and Features and Structure of Money and Capital Market in India.
CO32: Compare Capital Market
and Money market in India with the Role of SEBI.
CO33: Demonstrate Indian
Financial Institutions, like Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Loan
Companies in India, EXIM Bank and
Mutual Funds.
CO34: Analyse the Recommendation
of the Narasimham Committee of 1991 and 1998.
CO35: Interpret Foreign Direct
Investment in banking and Payment Bank with Small
Finance Banks.
CO36: Applying E-Banking
Service in daily use.
Economics Course - Principles of Microeconomics I (DSE
CO37: Explain the Meaning,
Nature and Scope of Micro Economics as well as its importance and limitations.
CO38: Framework economic
analysis using economic parameters.
CO39: Express his /her own
views about consumer behaviour.
CO40: Deep explain how to fluctuate demand and supply
in the market.
CO41: Describe various parameters related to demand
and supply.
CO42: Explain production theories and cost-benefit
analysis of the firm.
Economics Course - Economics of Development (DSE E-72)
CO43: Explain concept of economic development and
difference between economic
development and
CO44: Explain indicators of economic development,
Sustainable and green development.
CO45: Identify underdeveloped economies,
characteristics of underdeveloped
affecting factors on economic development.
CO46: Illustrate features of economic development and
development status of Indian
CO47: Analyse Ricardian classical approach to the
development, Myrdal’s theory of
development, Rostow’s stages of economic growth and balanced and
theory of growth.
CO48: Build up resources for economic development like
Human Capital, Technology, Aids etc.
Economics Course - International Economics I (DSE
CO49: Explain what trade is and trade theories of
Ricardian and Hecksher-Ohlin theory of
CO50: Explain importance of international trade and
its study, Similarities and
in inter-regional and international trade.
CO51: Clarify gains from International trade and its
CO52: Analyse how to become trade engine of economic
growth, terms of trade and factors
affecting terms
of trade.
CO53: Explain meaning of exchange rate, PPP theory,
Concept of fixed exchange rate,
exchange rate and floating exchange rate.
CO54: Explicate tariffs and quotas, free trade and
trade protection policy.
Economics Course - Research Methodology in Economics I
(DSE E-74)
CO55: Analyse basic Concept of research and its
CO56: Explain types of research with meaning and
CO57: Carry out a literature review, Steps of
research, features of good research design and
importance of
research design.
CO58: Analyse and clarify Concept of hypothesis which
is very important for research with
Kinds of
hypothesis, features of hypothesis and importance of hypothesis.
CO59: Use of methods of data Collection in his/her
CO60: Clarify sources of primary and secondary data
and importance of data Collection.
Economics Course - History of Economic Thoughts I (DSE
CO61: Explain basic economic ideas of economists of
the world.
CO62: Explain thoughts of classical economist like,
Adam Smith’s theory of value and
canon and
taxation, Malthusian theory of population etc.
CO63: Describe economic thoughts of great economist
Fredrick List on stages of economic
CO64: Interpret concept of nationalism and theory of
CO65: Analyse thoughts of Karl Marks about economic
CO66: Manipulate scientific Concept of socialism and
materialist, Theory of value, Theory
of Surplus
value and concept of falling rate of profit.
Economics Course - Principles of Microeconomics II
(DSE E-196)
CO67: Identify the market structure.
CO68: Analyse the economic behaviour of individual
firms and markets
CO69: Explain a firm’s profit maximising strategies
under different market conditions.
CO70: Justify the factor pricing.
CO71: Interpret modern theory of rent.
CO72: Comprehension classical and Keynesian theory of
interest and risk and uncertainty
theory of
Economics Course – Economics of Planning (DSE E-197)
CO73: Illustrate economic planning and its importance
in development.
CO74: Analyse development of planning and planning
machinery in India.
CO75: Evaluate sectoral performance of the Indian
CO76: Explain NITI Ayog, need for establishment,
organisation, objectives and work.
CO77: Identify plan models in Indian plan period.
CO78: Compare and analyse Indian models of economic
Economics Course – International Economics II (DSE
CO79: Illustrate difference between balance of trade
and balance of payments.
CO80: Analyse the balance of payments.
CO81: Analyse measures to correct disequilibrium in
balance of payments.
CO82: Discuss the various types of foreign capital.
CO83: Compute the trends of Foreign Direct Investment
in India.
CO84: Analyse the impact of international institutions
on the Indian Economy.
Economics Course - Research Methodology in Economics
II (DSE E-199)
CO85: Explain the sampling techniques as a method of
data Collection.
CO86: Analyse optimum size of sampling.
CO87: Use techniques of data analysis in research.
CO88: Classified the data in
tabular form.
CO89: Justify how to write a
research report and thesis.
CO90: Clarify how to write a
research proposal for grants.
Economics Course - History of Economic Thoughts II
(DSE E-200)
CO91: Interpret economic ideas
of Alfred Marshall.
CO92: Illustrate views of
Mahatma Phule on agriculture and education.
CO93: Analyse views of
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj on agriculture and Cooperation.
CO94: Explain views of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on money, agriculture
and development
policy. As well
as Drain theory of Dadabhai Nauroji.
CO95: Justify views of Mahatma
Gandhi views on village development, Swadeshi and Gram
CO96: Clarify economic
thoughts of Gopal Krishna Gokhale, D. R. Gadgil, V.
M. Dandekar and
Amartya Sen.
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